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Monday 24 October 2011

What Rubbish!!

Today 20th October I received a letter from Fingal County Council addressed to "The Occupier". It was dated "October 2011" , no actual date, and was to inform me "The Occupier" of changes to my waste collection service. The changes you ask?  Well it seems that they are "advising" me that they will no longer be in a position to provide me with a waste collection service. 
My service will cease on the 1st of November. 
Did I read that right?
Was I not paid up until the end of the year?
What's going on? 
Nine days notice. 9 days. Only nine days. This seems very short.
Recently I changed my broadband and I was told I had to give 31 days notice.
Is it too much to be given the same courtesy?
Well apparently not!
What I thought odd was, I had Fingal Co.Co., telling me in one instance that they had gone through a "competitive process" in order to make this decision, but the "process" ended up putting me in the hands of Panda, which now becomes a monopoly. Some competition!! Thanks very much. 
The reason I went with Fingal in the first place was I thought their competition with Panda would keep rates down.
Now it appears Panda rule the roost, and sure as eggs are eggs, the cost of  my waste charges will start to rise again. Mark my words. You read it here first!

Friday 14 October 2011

Austerity in the F.A.I. !!

Did you enjoy the game the other night?
How do you think we will do against Estonia? I have to say I was pleased with the draw but will remain cautious in regard to our chances of getting through the playoffs. Our record in these things is not great.
There will be one benefit if we do qualify. The money bonanza for the F.A.I. will ease the financial difficulties that they are experiencing at present. Apparently if we do not qualify there will be redundancies in Abbottstown.
Shock, Horror how can things be this bad. Didn't Trappatoni take a pay cut. I thought John Delaney reduced his large salary by a few quid.
Well if you had been watching our last couple of games, the keen eye might have been given a clue as to how bad the state of play  really was.
Did you spot it?
You didn't?
Want a clue?.  You do.
Okay here's a clue.
It's normally something that you would associate with third world countries. No idea yet.
Second clue - It's all in a name.
Okay, Okay. We have played the last three games with no names on the Irish Team shirts.
Armenia can afford to put names on their shirt, but not the poor austere Irish.
Do you not remember when we played Russia? Richard Dunne had to change his shirt, but the new shirt had no number on it so they got a permanent marker and wrote it on.
Is this not embarrassing?
Have we really sunk to this low level within the F.A.I.
Before you come back at me that Andorra had no names on their shirts, they're ranked joint 203rd to our 29th.
Surely Trap and (the beers on me) Delaney can take a further pay cut so that our players can take to the field with a bit of dignity and a name on their shirts.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Where is all my water gone?

This week  the 3rd - 9th of October is Recycling week in the workplace, and Repak are asking us to try to recycle more than we are at present.
You may have heard their ads on the radio.
The thing that puzzles me is the request that we either rinse or wash out the products we are recycling.
The average tap flows at a rate of 6 ltr per minute so even if you were to take only 30 seconds rinsing/washing your containers that's at least 3 litres of water down the drain.
Is this not an environmentally unsound practise to be wasting all this water.
At what point are we benefitting the planet by recycling.
I wonder if business owners realise the added cost to their overheads what  with all their staff  washing out their coffee cups from Starbucks.
Is is really neccessary to wash/rinse products before recycling?
It may not be best practise but I think as long as what your recycling is not reeking just toss it in.
Lets save our more precious resource - water.

Our twisted standard's!

Mick Wallace T.D.
I see a few days ago Mick Wallace T.D. has had a judgement  of €19 million taken out against him by ACC Bank in the High Court.
If ACC  Bank were to pursue Mr. Wallace for their money they could end up forcing him into bankruptcy and thus he would have to resign his seat as a standing T.D.

Martin McGuinness
The rules of the Oireachtas do not allow for a bankrupt to hold a seat in the Dail or Seanad.
On the other hand we have a Presidential campaign being waged with a certain Martin McGuinness, former IRA leader ( although not since 1974, so he says) vying to become our next President.
Now it seems to me to be a little twisted that we will allow the leader of a gang, the IRA, whom are known to be responsible for at least 1,700 murders, to hold a high office in this state.
Woe betide you if you owe some money to a bank.
Have we not got things arse backwards?
Is it just me?

Monday 3 October 2011

Hail to the new leader of A.I.B?

On this site I hope to ask the simple questions that never seem to be asked.
Questions like "Why is the weather forecast  rarely right?".
 "Why can't politicians tell the truth?" etc.
I hope to get feedback from members on questions that they feel are never quite answered.

I will start with a question that came to me as I was making my way into college today.
I happened to be listening to The Last Word on TodayFM, when they started discussing the salary that would be needed to be given to the next CEO of A.I.B.
Michael Soden former CEO of Bank of Ireland was stating that we the taxpayers would have to cough up at least €1 million if we wanted to get a top man to run the bank.
His logic was that we would only attract the best by offering large salaries.
My question is:  Where is the proof to justify this comment?
I nearly sure the lads at Lehman Bros were on big bucks and they ran the company into the ground.
The same at Fanny Mae,Freddie Mac, Anglo Irish and Irish Nationwide.
I would contend that paying big salaries does not guarantee quality.
How about this as a suggestion?
 Lets ask if anyone would be willing to work as CEO for a 3 year period with no pay and if they turn the business around they would be given a large bonus.
I somehow think we would get quite a few applicants.
 Lets give it a try.
What have we got to lose?