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Monday 24 October 2011

What Rubbish!!

Today 20th October I received a letter from Fingal County Council addressed to "The Occupier". It was dated "October 2011" , no actual date, and was to inform me "The Occupier" of changes to my waste collection service. The changes you ask?  Well it seems that they are "advising" me that they will no longer be in a position to provide me with a waste collection service. 
My service will cease on the 1st of November. 
Did I read that right?
Was I not paid up until the end of the year?
What's going on? 
Nine days notice. 9 days. Only nine days. This seems very short.
Recently I changed my broadband and I was told I had to give 31 days notice.
Is it too much to be given the same courtesy?
Well apparently not!
What I thought odd was, I had Fingal Co.Co., telling me in one instance that they had gone through a "competitive process" in order to make this decision, but the "process" ended up putting me in the hands of Panda, which now becomes a monopoly. Some competition!! Thanks very much. 
The reason I went with Fingal in the first place was I thought their competition with Panda would keep rates down.
Now it appears Panda rule the roost, and sure as eggs are eggs, the cost of  my waste charges will start to rise again. Mark my words. You read it here first!

1 comment:

  1. Look at the bright side. Just think how motivated you will be to generate less waste and to recycle. If waste collection costs continue to rise, our carbon imprint will probably decrease, maybe there will be a planet to leave to future generations
