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Monday 3 October 2011

Hail to the new leader of A.I.B?

On this site I hope to ask the simple questions that never seem to be asked.
Questions like "Why is the weather forecast  rarely right?".
 "Why can't politicians tell the truth?" etc.
I hope to get feedback from members on questions that they feel are never quite answered.

I will start with a question that came to me as I was making my way into college today.
I happened to be listening to The Last Word on TodayFM, when they started discussing the salary that would be needed to be given to the next CEO of A.I.B.
Michael Soden former CEO of Bank of Ireland was stating that we the taxpayers would have to cough up at least €1 million if we wanted to get a top man to run the bank.
His logic was that we would only attract the best by offering large salaries.
My question is:  Where is the proof to justify this comment?
I nearly sure the lads at Lehman Bros were on big bucks and they ran the company into the ground.
The same at Fanny Mae,Freddie Mac, Anglo Irish and Irish Nationwide.
I would contend that paying big salaries does not guarantee quality.
How about this as a suggestion?
 Lets ask if anyone would be willing to work as CEO for a 3 year period with no pay and if they turn the business around they would be given a large bonus.
I somehow think we would get quite a few applicants.
 Lets give it a try.
What have we got to lose?

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Jonny!
    Get the results first then get the reward.
    That's how it works for us in the 99%.
    Maith an fear.
