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Thursday 13 October 2011

Our twisted standard's!

Mick Wallace T.D.
I see a few days ago Mick Wallace T.D. has had a judgement  of €19 million taken out against him by ACC Bank in the High Court.
If ACC  Bank were to pursue Mr. Wallace for their money they could end up forcing him into bankruptcy and thus he would have to resign his seat as a standing T.D.

Martin McGuinness
The rules of the Oireachtas do not allow for a bankrupt to hold a seat in the Dail or Seanad.
On the other hand we have a Presidential campaign being waged with a certain Martin McGuinness, former IRA leader ( although not since 1974, so he says) vying to become our next President.
Now it seems to me to be a little twisted that we will allow the leader of a gang, the IRA, whom are known to be responsible for at least 1,700 murders, to hold a high office in this state.
Woe betide you if you owe some money to a bank.
Have we not got things arse backwards?
Is it just me?

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